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Conoce a Zhaofeng Wang. Premio SusChem-JIQ, categoría PostDoc 2019


Conoce a Zhaofeng Wang. Premio SusChem-JIQ, categoría PostDoc 2019

Para un investigador joven, ¿Qué significa la concesión de este premio? For a Young researcher, what does such an award mean?

It is a great encouragement for me. It means our research has received some kind of affirmation. It will inspire us to move forward and contribute more in the near future.

¿En qué consiste la investigación del trabajo por el que ha sido premiado? What does the Research you’ve been awarded by consists of?

We developed an unprecedented carbon reactivity rules-carbyne. Our discovery has the potential to significantly accelerate the drug discovery process.

¿Qué hizo que te dedicaras al mundo de la investigación una vez terminaste la carrera? What made you choose Research as a professional carrer when you finished your degree?

I am curious about the world and I feel quite excited if I had any interesting discoveries. In a way, doing research as a professional carrer can meet my demand of seeking novelty.

¿Qué relevancia otorga al entendimiento y cooperación entre el mundo científico y académico y el mundo empresarial? What’s your oppinion on public – private cooperation?

I am fond of this cooperative arrangement between public private sectors. Through this we can get much more support from the whole society.

¿Qué te hizo elegir España, Tarragona concretamente, como lugar al que venir a continuar tu labor investigadora? What made you choose Spain, Tarragona to be more precise, as the place to continue developing your researcher’s carreer?

ICIQ is one of the world leading institutes in chemical research. The state-of-the-art fasculities and superior researchers are so appealing to me. Besides, the climate of Tarragona is perfect, I really enjoy the beaches as well as the delicious food here!

En esta línea, ¿Cómo sitúas a actividad científica española en el mundo? What do you think of Spanish scientific activity in the Wold?

Spain has been a top research center in the world. Tremendous active Spanish scholars has made a great contribution to the scientific party.

A medio-largo plazo, ¿cuáles son tus aspiraciones en el ámbito de la investigación? In the mid-long term, what are your ambitions as researcher?

I will try all my best to deeply understand one or two fundamanetal, long-standing challenging problems in my research field, hoping I can be lucky enough to get any clues to the answers.

Ahora estás en Tarragona, pero ¿Dónde te ves dentro de 10 años? Now you’re in Tarragona, but where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

Propably in ten years, I will work in one of Chinese Univeristy as an academic researcher.

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