
IRISS workshop: Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design Materials and Chemicals


IRISS workshop: Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design Materials and Chemicals

The IRISS Project – a major EU-funded initiative – aims at connecting, synergizing and transforming the SSbD community in Europe and beyond towards a holistic approach integrating safety, climate neutrality, circularity, and functionality.

Join us as we share best practices from across the globe and bring your unique expertise to discuss with fellow experts and practitioners in the field. You may find below some useful information about the event.

Why attend

  • To engage with a global community of experts in SSbD
  • To be inspired by fellow experts' best practices and experience
  • To collect exclusive insights on the latest IRISS project results
  • To expand your professional network at the international level
  • To be involved in an international co-creation process aimed at effectively implement and operationalise SSbD materials and chemicals
How to attend

If the opportunity of contributing to the acceleration of the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design materials intrigues you, do not hesitate to fill in the form below. In Section 3 you will have the possibility to register to the upcoming workshop - a chance not to miss to get in touch with the IRISS community.

Opciones de navegación

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