XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
Si deseas recibir información sobre nuestras actividades y las noticias más destacadas del sector, pero, además, quieres beneficiarte de todas las ventajas ser miembro afiliado de SusChem - ESPAÑA, no dudes en solicitar tu afiliación a nuestra plataforma.
¡Quiero afiliarme!Join this webinar on the 28th of May, where you will find out the possibilities and trends with SSbD and hear about good examples from the industry on the implementation of the framework in practice.
You will also be given the opportunity to take part in a dialogue to discuss identified needs and how to join forces to accelerate the transition towards SSbD. During the webinar, the IRISS community network for SSbD will be launched and you will have the opportunity to directly connect with us. All interested actors in SSbD, whether they are from industry, academia, policy bodies, authorities, NGOs, RTOs or freelancers are welcome to the IRISS community and to continue the practical implementation of SSbD.
15:00 Welcome, short background and introduction (Emma Strömberg, IVL & Lya Hernandez, RIVM)
15:05 Possibilities and trends with SSbD (Ann Dierckx, Director Innovation and Circular Economy at essenscia)
15:25 Implementing of SSbD in practice - Examples from the industry
15:45 Launch of the IRISS Community! - Network for cooperation and knowledge exchange (Erika Lundgren & Rebecca Larson, IVL)
15:55 Panel - Reflections on SSbD implementation (Moderator: Lya Hernandez, RIVM. Participants: Dmitri Petrovykh, INL; Philippe Jacques, EMIRI; Joel Tickner, Change Chemistry; Ann Dierckx, essenscia)
16:25 Summary (Lya Hernandez, RIVM)
IRISS is an EU funded project with the aims to connect, synergize and transform the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) community in Europe and globally towards a lifecycle approach. Read more about the project
In December 2022, a framework for Safe-and -Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) was announced by the European Commission. The aim was to (i) steer the innovation process towards the green and sustainable industrial transition, (ii) substitute or minimize the production and use of substances of concern as well as (iii) minimize the impact on health, climate and the environment during sourcing, production, use and end-of-life for chemicals, materials and products. Today the implementation of the concept for SSbD has progressed in the industry – challenges have been addressed and an approach, where safety, climate neutrality, circularity and functionality are integrated in the designing and manufacturing phase is being developed.
XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
Una iniciativa del GT Interplataformas de Economía Circular.
Sistema de ofertas y demandas tecnológicas de SusChem-España con la química sostenible.
Principales Indicadores de I+D+i del Sector Químico Español. Sector lider que invierte anualmente más de 1.800 Millones de Euros en I+D+i.