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Nine actions to boost the EU chemical industry’s innovation leadership


Nine actions to boost the EU chemical industry’s innovation leadership

Innovation in the European Chemical Industry is a key success factor in ensuring Europe's industry remains competitive, achieves the targets of the 'Green Deal,' and strengthens Europe's open strategic autonomy. Following up on our call for a 'Smart Innovation Framework' in the Antwerp Declaration, Cefic presents a 9-point action plan that outlines the key steps policymakers and the EU must take to position the chemical industry as a global leader in innovation.

The chemical industry is at a critical juncture as we strive to  go circular, digital, climate-neutral, and transition to safe and sustainable chemicals, while remaining competitive. This ambitious goal requires a fundamental transformation of both how we produce and what we produce by 2050.  To make this transformation a success, it requires a supportive regulatory and policy framework.

Daniel Witthaut, Innovation Executive Director at Cefic, emphasises the urgent need for action from policymakers: 'Innovation is the backbone of our industry's transformation. By reducing administrative burdens and fostering collaboration across Europe, we can accelerate the development of breakthrough technologies. This not only strengthens the competitiveness of Europe's chemical industry, but also ensures we meet the ambitious goals of the Green Deal.'

For Europe to remain a global leader in chemical innovation, policymakers must take decisive action to create an enabling environment for investment and innovation. As the EU faces an increasingly challenging investment climate and high energy costs, proactive measures are needed to streamline regulatory processes, incentivise Research & Development, and encourage the development of sustainable technologies.

Discover below our 9 actions that outline the necessary steps the EU and policymakers must take to drive innovation in the European Chemical Industry.

Fuente de la noticia: CEFIC

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