XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
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¡Quiero afiliarme!On October 31, 2024, SusChem joined 17 other European Technology Platforms (ETPs) in urging the European Commission to reaffirm their support for the strategic role of ETPs in the upcoming EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10). ETPs like SusChem bridge the gap between groundbreaking research and practical solutions by uniting industry, academia, policymakers, and societal actors.
The platforms play a crucial role in ensuring that research outcomes benefit both industry and society, with a focus on sustainability, competitiveness, and resilience. Established in 2003 as the EU's first public-private R&I partnerships, ETPs are integral to translating Europe's research potential into tangible results that drive green and digital transitions and stimulate economic growth.
The undersigned ETPs look forward to further discussions with the European Commission on consolidating their role in FP10. Committed to support Europe's potential, the platforms can translate the EU's knowledge base into concrete outcomes, practices, and solutions that can be implemented on the ground—boosting Europe's growth, competitiveness, and sustainability.
Read the joint statement here.
Fuente de la noticia: SusChem Europa
XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
Una iniciativa del GT Interplataformas de Economía Circular.
Sistema de ofertas y demandas tecnológicas de SusChem-España con la química sostenible.
Principales Indicadores de I+D+i del Sector Químico Español. Sector lider que invierte anualmente más de 1.800 Millones de Euros en I+D+i.