XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
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The European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) have taken their partnership to the next level and launched today a revamped European Prize for Women Innovators. This joint competition will reward an even wider community of women innovators, celebrating their achievements and giving them more opportunities. The awards will be given to the most inspiring women entrepreneurs whose innovation is creating a positive impact for people and planet.
Three winners will be announced at the European Innovation Council Summit in March 2024 in each of the following categories:
XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
Una iniciativa del GT Interplataformas de Economía Circular.
Sistema de ofertas y demandas tecnológicas de SusChem-España con la química sostenible.
Principales Indicadores de I+D+i del Sector Químico Español. Sector lider que invierte anualmente más de 1.800 Millones de Euros en I+D+i.