XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
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¡Quiero afiliarme!Deadline:
In a global effort to champion sustainability in the realm of chemistry and textiles, the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) has announced its Innovation Challenge 2024. This challenge aims to not only accelerate the quest for groundbreaking solutions but also to recognize and promote innovators who are reshaping the landscape of Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles.
The ISC3 Innovation Challenge 2024 is a call to action for entrepreneurs and visionaries worldwide. The focus of this year's challenge revolves around Sustainable Chemistry and Textiles, two interconnected domains that play a pivotal role in shaping the future of eco-friendly practices.
The Challenge will provide itsfinalists with the customized support within theISC3 Global Start-up Service as well as global visibility, networking possibilities, and pitch training. The main winner will receive a 15,000€ monetary prize and two further categories, namely 'Best Social Impact' and 'Best Regional Impact' OR 'Special Impact', will be awarded monetary prizes of 5,000€ each.
Topics addressed by innovation proposals may include:
Environmentally benign production:
*Please refer to the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL)
Alternative materials and feedstock:
Waste minimization and recycling:
Alternative business models
Who Can Apply?
The challenge is open to ideators and entrepreneurs working within research institutes, startups, small-medium sized enterprises, or comparable institutions actively involved in developing and realizing Sustainable Chemistry innovations.
How to Apply
The application deadline for the first stage is March 1st, 2024, and for the second stage, it is April 30th, 2024. Applications must be submitted in English through the ISC3 Innovation Challenge Application Portal.
For additional information or queries, please contact
XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
Una iniciativa del GT Interplataformas de Economía Circular.
Sistema de ofertas y demandas tecnológicas de SusChem-España con la química sostenible.
Principales Indicadores de I+D+i del Sector Químico Español. Sector lider que invierte anualmente más de 1.800 Millones de Euros en I+D+i.