The IV Forum SusChem Spain - Sustainable Chemistry, Innovative and Competitive Companies,
is held in the Aula Magna auditorium of the University of Zaragoza. The Mesh - posters and networking area- will be located in Room Josefa Amar y Borbón.
The auditorium is the oldest historic building of the University and the most known and studied, both by its size and high artistic value, and its privileged position in Basilio Paradise Square at the heart of the city. With 115 years of life, the building, designed and directed by architect Ricardo Magdalena, is the only declared of cultural interest of all university buildings and has become the institutional image of the University of Zaragoza. The auditorium was one of the most outstanding in Spain at the time and contributed decisively to the renewal of the Aragonese architecture from the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century buildings.