SusChem-ESPAÑA is the Spanish Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry,
a public-private organization resulting from a chemical industry initiative with the participation of all involved entities. SusChem-ESPAÑA promotes chemical and industrial biotechnology research, development and innovation, and supports cooperation, information exchange and technology transfer to meet XXI Century society challenges. It is an initiative of the Spanish Chemical Industry Federation (FEIQUE) in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Bioenterprises (ASEBIO), the Spanish Federation of Innovation and Technology Organizations (FEDIT) and TECNALIA Technological Corporation. Also supporting SusChem España are the Spanish Economy and Competitivity Department and the Spanish Industry Technological Development Center (CDTI). Like its European counterpart, the Platform’s main goal is to assure the long term competitiveness of the chemical industry and associated industrial sectors by means of promotion and execution of innovative strategic actions of global reach, supported from its very beginning by both industry and government.