XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
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¡Quiero afiliarme!The European Union has set out a plan to eliminate by 2050 net greenhouse gas emissions, mainly caused by Carbon dioxide utilisation to achieve a climate-neutral society. These actions will generate important stocks of CO2 that can be reused by means of carbon capture and utilization, as raw material for obtaining carbon-containing products. However, CO2 utilization technologies still face challenges such as the development of more efficient and economically viable conversion and purification technologies, as well as the stability and regeneration of the catalysts and adsorbents used in these processes.
The Repsol Foundation Energy Transition Chair at the Rovira i Virgili University and CO2 Value Europe are organizing this webinar in which these technologies for CO2 utilization, their challenges and opportunities will be explored.
XVI Edición de los Premios Suschem Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos.
Una iniciativa del GT Interplataformas de Economía Circular.
Sistema de ofertas y demandas tecnológicas de SusChem-España con la química sostenible.
Principales Indicadores de I+D+i del Sector Químico Español. Sector lider que invierte anualmente más de 1.800 Millones de Euros en I+D+i.