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SusChem 2017 Brokerage Event buzzes with project ideas for Horizon 2020 calls


SusChem 2017 Brokerage Event buzzes with project ideas for Horizon 2020 calls

Around 150  delegates representing large companies, academia and research organisations, and other stakeholders took part in the SusChem 2017 Brokerage Event on 18 October. They received briefings from the European Commission on the forthcoming calls of the Horizon 2020 Programme relevant to SusChem. More than 50 initial project concepts were received and more than 30 of them featured at the event in two dedicated sessions of project pitches and a poster exhibition. SusChem national technology platforms from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and UK also took the floor to present ideas from their members.  The brokerage and networking afternoon undoubtedly set the basis for the establishment of new collaborative consortia and successful project proposals.

“SusChem is probably the most active European Technology Platform”, said Pierre Barthélemy, Cefic Executive Director for Research & Innovation and SusChem Board Member, at the opening of the event, held in Brussels on 18 October. He also emphasised the role of the platform’s unique constellation of 14 national technology platforms, providing a link between the EU level and national sustainable chemistry initiatives in the Member States and representing their members at the brokerage event.

Insights to the Horizon 2018-2020 work programme

At the start of the event Cefic innovation manager and SusChem secretary Flavio Benedito explained to the participants that Cefic innovation managers have worked through the recently published draft Horizon 2020 work programmes for 2018-2020 and identified the relevant calls regarding SusChem topics, technologies and stakeholder interests, summarising them in a matrix, which is published online.

Three detailed insights on SusChem relevant areas of the draft work programme were given by European Commission representatives.

The information on the Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology (NMBP) Programme and Catalysing the Circular Economy was presented by Helge Wessel. He said that the final work programme is scheduled for publishing around 28 October and it is anticipated that it will be very close to the wording of the publicly available draft programme. In terms of the application process, the deadline for submission of proposals for the 2018 calls would be normally around the end of January or beginning of February 2018 with successful projects commencing before the end of next year.

He articulated the EU’s ambition to make Europe the world-leader in developing sustainable chemistry, smart materials and intelligent recycling to drive the circular economy and highlighted catalysis as a key technology in the chemical industry and for a sustainable economy as a whole.  He also emphasised the need to develop substitutes for fossil fuels along all steps in industrial value-chains to achieve low-carbon industrial processes with a focus on the use of CO2 or C1 building blocks as alternative feedstocks for chemicals, materials and fuels.

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